New videos explore the Queen’s Weeneebayko Health Education Program | Faculty of Health Sciences

New videos explore the Queen’s Weeneebayko Health Education Program | Faculty of Health Sciences

With support from the Mastercard Foundation, Queen’s University and the Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA) are co-developing a program to train health professionals living along the western James Bay coast. Visit the program’s website or explore three new videos (links below) sharing perspectives on its vision and impact. 

Announced March 1, the Queen’s Weeneebayko Health Education Program marks a new approach to educating and supporting Indigenous youth to pursue careers in healthcare and provides a unique model for transforming Indigenous health across Canada.  

Learn about the program vision and the training that will be offered: 

This project will drive health transformation – improving regional health outcomes, addressing delivery gaps in delivery, and building Indigenous representation: 

Learn about the health career pathways for Indigenous youth that are a key component of this overall health education program. Their goal is to provide career counselling, resources, mentorship, and application support to Indigenous high school students: